Tuesday, February 25, 2025

A good idea?

October 10, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

I really like the idea of taking Neothink public, but I have to wonder, is doing such a thing truly a good idea at this point in time? I look around me and I see a world in which there is so much hate and crime and destruction, I question whether or not bringing the secrets of the society to the general public is truly something that should be done. What would happen if the knowledge possessed by the society were poisoned, and turned against itself? What if some extremist terrorist faction were to take the Neothink tools and knowledge possessed within the heirloom packages and use them in a tainted manner? Could you imagine the cost of having an Osama Bin Ladin working on a mini-day schedule marketing his hate to new recruits and carrying out his believed FNE that it is his destiny to impose Islamic Jihad on the world? What kind of world would we be looking at if something this powerful were to fall into the wrong hands…? Am I just being paranoid? I see the power that Neothink offers, if used correctly… and while it exhilarates me that the world could be changed for the better, I am absolutely terrified that it could also be used as the tool to bring about man’s destruction.

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