Overcoming the fear!
April 22, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
Mark, Being 75 years of age I have lived with the frustration of the anticivilization in many, many ways. So to overcome the fear presented in the Heirlooms of all the NEW ideas (that I loved!) but also felt some fear about (like, who could I talk to about all this?) I signed up to […]
Part 3 of of level 4 integrated commentary
April 20, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
There are 2 profound realizations that I have to get down into comment here, after taking down into notes what has to be done according to the format Mr. Hamilton laid out for us for demonstrating and illustrating to others both the value of Neothink Understanding in the Society of Secrets and the real financial […]
puzzle formation
April 20, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
I truly can visualize the puzzle forming for myself and where it is leading me to. It’s a wonderful opportunity that increases my excitement to continue in creating values. I shall always be honored to achieve more for the full outcome of the superpuzzle in process now. May we all as apprentices cause the shift […]
Integrated comments after level 4 meeting part One.
April 19, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
I have to leave a fuller summary of comments immediately to replace the one as an integration it looks like I fully lost, as this firefox web browser typically does for me, now at greatest cost, not to save the message as content that I have left on it when I return to it, here […]
level 4 integration part 2
April 19, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
I am going to leave another comment immediately that begins with “Drop it” and forget about it completely, to mention even any negative experience as its own reference as if it will or would have any value unto others, especially here where apprentices gather whom are most fully qualified to receive all the benefits of […]
my integration 4 lost
April 18, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
I must leave comment as evidence that I have fully been here for all the meeting and with the comments after that I wrote, became also in the integration that goes with it, I was on site here for more than 26 hours, when I finally finished my integrated comments..while doing so, the website page […]
April 9, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
Level 4 Integration – C. A. Cooper
April 5, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
Mark Hamilton’s Level 4 material is great, but I infer that it is partly out-of-date due to alterations made based on 1 1/2 years of experience since it was recorded. I suggest this material be updated to reflect its current status. This material emphasizes the website ($1/day), that requires each subscriber to agree to draconian […]
March 17, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
I am elated that we are able to bring the secret society to the general public. I look forward to the next level and see what it brings.
Level Four integration
March 17, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mark, thanks again for your leadership. After listening to the Level 4 Meeting, I am amazed at the direction we are taking in our journey together. Thank You for introducing me to the “Society of Secrets”.Our common denominator format to take the form of the meetings. I understand going public is a essence (physical/mind)movement […]