The ball is in my court
July 26, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
I am concerned about talking to people about Neothink. At first I thought that I wouldn’t be able to keep the Society a secret, but I must admit that I have never uttered the words “secret society” in the year or so since getting started.I have,however, spoken in depth about many of the concepts, and […]
Iron Grip Control
July 3, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
The level 4 meeting is so great. I can’t wait to meet everyone in the Neothink society. I have been using most of the Neothink techniques all my life without knowing it, and without knowing there were people out there that thought in the Neothink mentality. I knew that there would be something happening soon […]
Level 4 Integration
June 25, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mark Hamilton! Thank you once again, for all of your teaching`s and effort that you put in to all of us. I for the first time beleive in what we are doing for the good of man kind. We are interested in helping bring forth the 12 visions political party into the state of […]
Where is the C of U family at I’m still waiting.
June 24, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
Dear Mr. Hamilton, I truly understand what you are talking about in our meeting as far as the political movement. But the marketing thing is not my fortae. How come everything in the society has to cost money. You said that this society is for the poor and rich, but it seems that the rich […]
Stimulation not education
June 23, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
I think it’s great the way the 12 visions party and the Society of Secrets will be brought to the public. Stimulation not education sounds like you want to hide something,but from my own experience with some people close to me I do believe It’s the only way they will engage.Thanks for your time– David
The Moment of the Mind to Move History
June 21, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
Mr. Hamilton, I’m truly thankful and yet it seems those words are so weak in accurately describing the feeling I experience from the liberating material and information you are sharing. You have opened up my heart and restored life again, not only for me, but for my burning desire to help all that i may […]
A Great Stimulating Meeting
June 1, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
Level 4 has been very stimulating for me. I can feel the energy inside. We are like a large ship moving through the waves of AC. With Mark Hamilton at the helm guiding everyone on board for everyone to do their part. With everything that I have learned up to date, from receiving my first […]
level 4
May 29, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
The political movement could spread very fast. Even without people becoming members the push for honesty will become contagious. If a group is in a protest and what they are saying is honest, others will follow. Having a group pre-organized spread through out the world that can have a positive influence on those around them […]
Level 4
May 3, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
This was by far one of the most valuable lessons for me so far! I think it is great to have a lot of like-minded people so close knit,I am sure!! The lessons are awesome! I will do what I can now! I feel refreshed after this positive level!! Thank you,Anthony G.
The Adventure Grows
April 25, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3
Filed under Integrations
You have delivered something this month that I have needed. Approximately 6 months ago in some of the marketing letters a claim was made that I would be rich in about a year. Actually maybe it was in some of the other literature, I can’t quite remember. That claim stuck with me. Because neothink is […]