Monday, February 24, 2025

CEO The Parker Group

November 18, 2017 by Jefferson P.  
Filed under Integrations

i am currently actively involved with an established Neothink Clubhouse in Raleigh,N.C. until I can locate other apprentices in the area and initiate a new A-team Neothink Clubhouse.As well,I participate in Jill Reed’s Neothink call about building the Twelve Visions Party with the objective of getting the Twelve Visions Party registered and on the ballot in my state.

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “CEO The Parker Group”
  1. Christopher Prekup says:


    I am also learning and would like to actually meet some folks in person to discuss and work with others moving in the same direction. I live in the Lexington area if I am anywhere near you. Otherwise, can I get the directions to the clubhouse in Raleigh, NC to begin making contact with others face to face. I hope to hear from you soon on my email.

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