Friday, March 7, 2025

Integrated comments after level 4 meeting part One.

April 19, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

I have to leave a fuller summary of comments immediately to replace the one as an integration it looks like I fully lost, as this firefox web browser typically does for me, now at greatest cost, not to save the message as content that I have left on it when I return to it, here after trying to refresh the page of my own integration.

I must reveal what has just most recently developed for me, when I came to my own realization that all of my integrated thought over the last 14 months must now move into emotion, sensuality, and the Body’s own fullest realizations.

I went all the way back after the last meeting to all of my original invites and letters that came previous to receiving my first manuscripts. In the re-reading of the introductory pamphlet as welcome from the Society, with the 5 stories included, I began to most fully remember and realize what I did immediately upon reading them, recognizing myself to be one of these same individuals with the same calling and same hidden talents…I stopped and rested to search for commonalities….the Miracle in 10 seconds was of most primary importance in all of the writings as wells as the fullest peace that each individual testifies to as the very preeminent event to this Miracle and as transformation into something Supra in attributes and inner qualities as also a most fulfilling and satisfying life experience for them afterward. It all came full circle for me when I read in one woman’s testimony of her natural inclination toward right mindedness, where the right side of is kept our capacity for creativity, meditation, dream, envisioning and enjoyable relaxation. That of course is it and what its all about, when I discerned from all of the writings what the miracle is and what it is all about….to fully have shut down the left side brain which tends to our conscious thinking and activities…to enter in somehow into this place and state of mind where it is fully shut down completely. the word for it is PLUG IN, to the very miracle which we ourselves can discern how to formulate for ourselves most personally. It brings us to a whole other place in our minds, that naturally allows for all the realizations in our correlation to where greater Consciousness at work can fully fill all our minds and also our Body’s entire soul and physical Being. Then all the very substance of life that we are called to receive also comes flooding into our soul, mind and Body.

I can list here what such a Miracle has in mind…for the sake of affirmation into confirmation unto realization and then also physical manifestation of the all the wishes we have in mind. The Miracle brings us all the way into, all the way there, where we now have we all of these things, the conscious thinking we were most recently and previously involved in, becomes obsolete, discarded and replaced by this very Supra someone that is now you, having a most supra experience now as Body, in his own mind.

The very presence of a most fully opened channel as a raw and pure tap, like a newly opened water vein, rushes with a the flood of realization and power and also fullest peace and comfort to into your very body….u find also the ability to freely travel in the deepest emotional sense to other places that come to mind, as surly as you would or might choose to think about anything in your day time conscious experience…the fullest dimension of it is exponentially greater and most real, and you find yourself talking to others in a most real way, now as a visionary mind experience. This all increases with unlimited capacity that never encourages you with the need to “give it up” as it is itself the most restful and satisfying experience to your own body, physically. As I discovered some 19 or 20 months ago that meditation was now the only way to keep all of this under control in my mind, then, most fully inspired toward fully illumined thoughts and Neothinking, it is also true that the fullness of this miracle is what I need to experience to grant me physically all the things I now need…this is all of the newest and greatest development in my own path of evolution…where all of my thoughts must now transfer into the Body’s own mind and my greater Heart within…what has just happened in the loss of the integrated comment I now have lost and labored over for more than 16 hours, hardly affects me, and it seems nothing can change, alter or interfere with this powerful and miraculous experience I am yet having….my greatest need has been to relax, and come out of all the very anxiety associated directly with myself as a new Neothink member…and gain this fullest physical peace I read about, now almost 14 months ago….I lived in that state for so very long, knowing that I could experience this Miracle at any time, day or night, with whatever would trigger its own event as Body, into my soul and mind….to bring Me into fullest peace and alignment with the very power that lives and hovers over me at every moment…the very weight of it was nearly unbearable as long as I could not gain fullest peace in alignment to it, to then somehow trigger the event of it, or find my way into the experience of it as also a fullest bodily peace… the problem ever was that I also lived in a natural state of anxiety concerning my real environment and all that I had to do just to insure I would have a place to live with also clothes and food to eat.. I found that I could not communicate with my family back home, and in all the places I didn’t want to found it most difficult to trust my own environment in every place I ever was….this has fully transformed for me most recently as I have found I am in the “area of 51%” where, like the stock holder who gains governing control of a company’s financial worth, all things are now tipped in my favor to realize I will have this place in my mind, and also as a Body physically to now manifest this assurance and confidence. The power of attraction, which by the powerful substance pours into me to also validate my very identity, will no longer ravage me when should I find myself in the place of extreme vulnerability. If the odds were yet even, like 50 to 50 percent, anxiety, fear and discomfort would find its way to yet trouble and torment and ravage me physically, where in the Body all the answers are ever waiting to happen and most fully realize all that is now Neothink with me..finally however I have fully tripped over into the area of 51% to discover I now have controlling conscious over my concerns about living and the Body’s own need, that the fear and anxiety sent to me by way of others no longer can have any lasting effect, and the fullness of my own peace and greater self realizations can now fully proceed along its own evolutionary path the honest truth is, there is not just one way to experience the miracle spoken of, there ever is only one list of ingredients that it contains that we ourselves recognize to be the miracle when experiencing it…as practice and familiarity with it increases, so also does the familiarity with it as a successful experience every time, whether we do it always one way, or according to varied ways, differently each time…the end result is the same, and the same you becomes supra naturally transformed into something fully more substantive in the fullest of dimensions that ever the Human Being is most fully able to receive and become.

I am going to send now this integrated comment to make sure it sends and goes for me.

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