Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Level 4

April 25, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

Mark, I found level four very interesting. This marketing concept is very unique! I will be very pleased to help the Neothink society bring this creation forward. I believe the clubhouse, will be the most important place within the society. You are correct about our Friday nite essence coming forth at this level. I’m looking forward to level five, and on. Thank you!

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One Response to “Level 4”
  1. Alisa says:

    Hi- I am truly blessed to be a part of our local clubhouse. I couldn’t ask for a better “guide”or friend than Avery. The information that is shared is truly life changing. My biggest challenge @ this time is my husband. He feels threatened by my involvement with GIN & NEOTHINK. He resents my having an interest in something that he does not understand & has no interest in learning about. This is driving a huge wedge between us. I am starting to think that if he does not come on board soon, that, like Miss Annabelle’s predictions re: “her girls” that our marriage may not survive. I am sure that I am not the only member who is/has experienced this. How have others dealt with this issue?

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