Monday, February 24, 2025

level 4

August 10, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

Hi Mark
I have to say that I deep inside knew that you had were going to go public reading Annabelle I knew that there had to be a time where you would have to go public the gold being that we need to get 50 % of the population knowing about the society secret and the sooner the better time is off essence,I still don’t know how can I help I leave in Quebec Canada and most of the people I know do not speak English. How can I invite people to get involved with the society secret when they don’t speak the language. I am still working on finding my FNE I thought that it was business and that I was going to do well with a website and internet marketing but until now all that happen is due to the lack of knowledge with internet marketing and my thinking that my FNE was business I am in deep deep debt I have lose over hundred thousand trying different internet business I received the CD you send me from Keven Trudeau and I am very happy with the program I am at the level 2 wanting to be at the level 3 but facing the fact that I don’t even have the money to move on to level 3 I have 3 more month to paid the minimum on the credit card I know that I will have a miracle that is the only way I see my coming out of my financial situation I use power thinking to visualize that all is going to be fine. I also like to say that the more I think off my FNE the more I sense that I want to make the movie of the story of Annabelle I see myself directing the movie and being the character of Annabelle I want it so deeply inside of me it makes my smile and I am filled with peace joy love when I think about doing this movie I have very little knowledge about the movie industry I work 20 years ago in making 4 fiction short movies and that is it but like I said deep inside I know I would be very very good in the character of Annabelle and I feel I would be excellent in directing this movie When I first read the story I was having dream about it and I say every scene in my mind like clear crystal. I never say Annabelle and some how I know how she look and I look a lot like her,brown long hair small very special blue eyes beautiful energy I have all of that it is for me like I said the more I think about it the more I want it and feel that it is that that I need to bring for you I just need to be connected with the right people and the money well it is coming very soon .Thank you Mark for all that you do thanking you and if you can explain how can I invite my french people of Quebec to join the society secret I will do all that I can to invite them to this wonderful place where we can change the world. Will talk soon Sylvy

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One Response to “level 4”
  1. Charlie Moore says:


    My name is Charlie Moore and I am your mentor. Listen I can help you with getting in touch with people in Canada. There are many members up there. Email me at

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