Tuesday, February 25, 2025

level 4 integration

November 21, 2013 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

What I got from the meeting, in summary: Use forces of nature combined with forces of Neothink to welcome certain people to come to meetings. I went to my first meeting a few weeks ago, it was nice. However, on October 4, my $179.95 fee was cashed for an upper-echelon book, and I still haven’t received the book. I will be moving in with my girlfriend soon, and I wrote that the book should be sent ‘Care of’ her apartment’s address. I have called the member services 1-800 number, and that’s how I was welcomed to my first meeting when I finally got a response. I just e-mailed to the local mentor about the issue, and I plan to be at next month’s local meeting. I don’t have a lot of money, and I was just ‘set-back’ $180, in addition to more money from Preston Lord Enterprises, a mailing outfit that asked for money in advance and my associates from EWU said was legit, though I didn’t follow their instructions exactly like the company insisted I do… I will look for temporary employment to get money before starting a business, and then if I am successful, I should take it worldwide or deal outside the U.S., as per suggestion of the Global Wealth Power book I recently purchased through Amazon.com. I have a copy of all the level meetings’ detail, as per Mark Hamilton’s speeches, because of my purchase of “Forbidden Revelation,” so I look forward to glancing at the level 5 meeting detail for next month, as well as continuing reading of my second heirloom manuscript.

I have a memo pad in which I have written all the subject headings from the 3 heirloom manuscripts for easy reference, for ideally easy-capacity integrations!

I write quotation marks in my heirloom packages to highlight various information and review what I have gleaned semi-regularly. I type ‘semi-‘ because I am in the moving-out process and I don’t think my mom and step-dad would approve of the society just yet. I want to move out first before I might let them know about what I am up to. 🙂

Anyway, cheers! Thanks for the info. ‘Til next time,

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “level 4 integration”
  1. dchsr111 says:

    After reading and listening to this teaching by Mark Hamilton I am certain
    that this is the right path to achieving the goals one has set for themselves I am learning a lot from this level 4 meeting that I never new
    could help me like finding common denominators as one search for A key to
    to solve A problem or get to where they need to go or do.
    Henry Ford invented the assembly line to bring the work to the people in-
    stead of the people going to the work saving time and making more money.
    While I am learning I realize that I have much more to learn.
    Taking the society of secrets to the public is another interesting thing to
    me knowing that I have A lamented amount of selling knowledge.
    We are offering them life they never knew they had.

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