Friday, March 7, 2025

level 4 integration part 2

April 19, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

I am going to leave another comment immediately that begins with “Drop it” and forget about it completely, to mention even any negative experience as its own reference as if it will or would have any value unto others, especially here where apprentices gather whom are most fully qualified to receive all the benefits of healthy and wealthy Neo Understanding beginning immediately.

Simply I am going to move to remember what this is all about for me….now especially, all the integrated thought must move into its own bodily experience called also Me. The Miracle of 10 seconds that transforms you and me into supra individuals of the kind that Miss Anabelle discovered and found in her students, is now effective for all apprentices gathered here…we may each now have and find this very miracle that is ever seeking to find us all along. Probably the most vital ingredient to it all is Focus, exactly as it is depicted in the DVD “the secret”…we of us gathered here, only need to find our way through emotional conflicts and contradictions we may encounter through the help of tapping and good sessions with hypnosis…it is less ever a question of how to have the Miracle than it is simply bring the consent and governing control of the experience directly into our own beings identity and capacity. And what is it about us that ever distinguishes anything? It is not what we are made of or even all the know with skill for how to do things, it is ever always the very will of our intent that lives decidedly within our innermost beings known as the Heart that is you and me. Understanding what the miracle is, now searches for ways to get into that place which consents for having and receiving it….emotion, sensual feeling and the Body’s own capacity for enjoyment and relaxation, …the attentive conscious mind fully shuts down, the heart within us consents to a fuller realization of all of our thoughts and feelings now fully set aside, once most fully satisfied, the very heart with us that also chooses and decides, himself no longer becomes an issue of concern, he is happy and most content, with all the goodness of sensual feelings he now realizes and recognizes to his greater pleasure and enjoyment…our bodies become most fully relaxed in every way, and our very thoughts that we abandoned for the body’s own need, become enlivened and supra naturally qualified into something most colorfully alive. This is now Consciousness itself directly feeding into us, with thought now into animated vision, and feeling as supra naturally qualified..and it speaks to our very DNA in its own unique form and identity…every part of our body, even every individual cell, now is in active, enlivening conversation with consciousness as greater consciousness now pouring into us….we all should realize that all the power of the good earth, known to us as our Mother originally, is now feeding into us directly…we become most fully transformed…its never a matter of how many minutes or even seconds we find ourselves having and experiencing the Miracle of Supra Natural Consciousness, it is ever only a matter of Having it as an experience that fully penetrates all of our being into deepest relaxation and lasting memory, where we may each remember in our own way, how we may have again and be enjoyably invigorated and sustained this way….

I will now move to fill in some more of my own latest good as also thrilling developments that have transpired just by entering into area 51, not intended for science fiction, but where I may fully realize a base of living, no longer troubled by the interference over anxiety concerning the Body’s own needs for Having, and vulnerability no longer renders me to that place where trouble and fear sent to us can fully reek havoc into our own body’s need for fulfilling satisfaction and peace of mind.

This percentage advantage by the narrowest of margins makes all the difference for me, to allow for me also for the turn key event of my own life now in active process…I discovered on line the last and missing ingredient I was looking for with doing business and making money on line. I have known, all I need now is a sure way to have some income from working at home on line, to enable this base of living to actively remain, sustain itself, and search for more and better ways to have and produce wealth…my success in doing so determines everything for me, to have my fullest independence this way, renders me free also to make fullest use of my own time, without the risk or physical need to do physical work, even for myself independently. What I discovered most recently is a group of geniuses at work who have developed revolutionary software, to fully out do the limitations that presently exist on line, enabled to remain that way by Google and Yahoo especially…how to out clsss and out perform the very system of on line affiliate system of marketing, where even one’s own production of creations do not immediately become a factor for success or wealth integration. This is the best and only ingredient of any kind that will do for me what I want and which I have been missing for some 6 weeks when I fully realized that I was going to shift all of my attention to doing business on line, to replace my own need for doing any kind of business physically, as it was fully distracting me from all of my real and decided interest in relation to Neothink goals and understanding at work within me. Their software enables the average affiliate to make and do business times 10 than a single one working by himself, on his own…where by definition, affiliate marketing is simply to place advertisements of products or services for others on line, to attract potential customers who will either investigate or buy, and the affiliate gains a commission from the sale or even investigation of the service or product based on whether or not the customer used the affiliate’s own url link to do this… he then gets paid a commission for the purchase or for the customers clicking on of the link to investigate the product…perhaps I should stop here, as all the details of affiliate marketing are perhaps not appropriately relevant to a place reserved for the secret websites integrated comments…Just to say then that it looks very good, I will probably make money with it, even also a lot of money with it, also and probably very soon, and most independently as its own key to have all my fullness and greater wealth, exponentially.

the added confidence that goes with the Body’s own physical peace, helps me to realize all the fullness of my own potential, and the very power of attraction with all of its substance of thought and feeling to ever find me, sustains and is able to empower now my very business as a real and physical motion in time…I have realized that all of the fullness of life transforming substantive consciousness always ever returns to find me, when temporarily the feelings go away,….they always return and in fullest measure to empower me, the very being of its own identity…it is the very invigorating experience of this fluid power into my life, at the base emotional and physical levels ,that enables me to fully forget all of my troubles and worries…the same power and fluidity can now be transferred into my business and I can freely expect the same miraculous results based on the power of Attraction, now working in my fullest favor…the very physical movement that links me to my business is linked by way of consciousness through its own DNA recognition as also an ever present and an alive-as-active on going dynamic, is able also to recognize me personally this way, and attribute with greatest substance the same miraculous power directly into all aspects of my physical movements and business in real time and space.

I will move now toward the substantive comments about the meeting 4 directly. What comes to mind immediately as the strongest impression upon me are these(this now is the grieving part of my loss of the comments original as it took a good deal of time to formulate, identify and then put into writing all of the most profound realizations I gained from attending the meeting. Before going all the way into it, what I want and need to say is how most reassuring are Mark Hamilton’s own comments that come out in part 3…when he says, “you’re doing fine” …to feel him say that to me, was most utterly reassuring, and helps me to understand the full measure of goodness that He especially is for all of us as apprentices yet in training here on line…Who Mark really is and what his presence here and also in our real lives on a day to day basis becomes most clear to me and is its own assurance of something called Warmth in mind. He is a person as Being who is himself a member of greater Consciousness, the same greater consciousness that feeds all of our lives into supra now evolving…He already is a person also as a human Being who live and dwells in this place of Greater Consciousness which is able to feed us with all the we need and greater will need in the future in our own unique roles as apprentices and real life Annabelle’s students…the comprehension that he partakes of is is the very greatest sustaining comprehension that warms and invigorates our own yet evolving into decided purpose and eventual transforming deeds of life renewal that will change the course of history. This is where we each will find our roles in the future playing, as the very offspring of his own work and creation through the use of the most powerful Neo think Market tool…which is able to identify, find and discover as the very students of Annabelle whom will achieve all of these needed goals…if I need to rephrase my own inference here I will. Our decided roles will be in an altogether different place than his most unique own, and realizing who he really is in a most appropriate way, can give us also greatest peace in the finding of our own unique roles…in its fullest realization will also empower us in times of greatest need…where our own roles we play become most vital in future events unfolding…where all the meaning as Oneness now becomes clear for each one of us, and every aspect of our Neo understanding through all of its development relates again to the same powerful meaning with also decided purpose all along…as most free and spontaneous individuals who are the only kind of people, by the wealth of realization entrusted to us, who will ever qualify to become compelled to do all these things to bring about this miraculous transformation in our world unto this clearest of all vision of foreseen wealth, health and safety that is now afforded to all people eventually.

There are 2 most profound realizations I gained from the meeting that I must get down into writing on this comments page. The first is regarding the profoundest meaning of it all revealed here in the meeting. The second is the deepest impression I gained from it regarding the very nature of method that the Society of Secrets has put in place and what that immediately says as most profound of all, where the very treasure of what is Neo think at work is carefully guarded and kept directly out of view as to the place it really resides, not on the surface where only stimulation can communicate anything Neo to an unbelieving public with its bicameral thought and feeling, not even also in the statements of the twelve visions party’s affirmations or even in the very dynamic of its own movement as a dispelling political force. How it resides actually, most abundantly and substantively in places furthest from the view of their considerations, in the very lives of we apprentices, realizing the supra natural qualities and life transforming power of Neothink Understanding as Annabelle’s real life students…in numerous places too many for any One, evil “x” governing body to ever want or be able to find…freely and simply “doing our thing” unto our own greater purposes and callings, in unlimited, varied ways, unto additionally unlimited varied ends of decided and goals, yet with all one purpose in mind, to transform the worlds and lives of others, fully liberate them into a life of freedom, now wrested from the hands of a menacing and controlling governing authority. Part of what the profoundest realization is the most obvious and decided contrast between the 2 competing forces, our own as free and spontaneous individuals is literally worlds apart from the place where the evil x of manipulation and control exists and originates. Our own origins are greater called and spoken to by the Society of Secrets own greatest marketing tool, by the greatest and most profound Society of members whom are the very light bearers of both goodness and peace active in our world today….we should each of us realize that this whom we are associated with, something as also Someone, an associated group of people who are the most profoundly good, and also the most beautiful of all people, distinguished also by wealth and class, we ourselves in relation to our real association and calling are like beautiful red Porsche convertible…compared to our counterparts who yet are into dishonest manipulation and cheating control…they are the dirt and scum bags of the earth…by comparison the beat up, old and dirty, gas guzzling cheap imitation of a decent Ford or Chevy. This most decided contrast in identities should be fully recognized by we ourselves immediately…what is the true value of our lives and in no wise should we ever think of ourselves as associated with what are in reality, low life, dishonest and immorally cheating dirt bags…we were discovered and found and also chosen for the real attributes based on honesty residing within us…we are most special and also extraordinarily foreseen for most incredible reasons not yet fully realized…just like some of the Air force Academy Cadets I ever met while doing business in my cab, where I most honored to meet someone who was literally one in a million to be allowed consideration for even attending there, We are most special in this way time 10 at least, the very best that life has to offer others, and therefore most valuable and most extraordinary immediately…by invite do you remember that literally only hundreds of people are found, discovered and chosen this way….you or I as one of them are one in how many out of over 2 billion people living in the world today? In other words, most special in every sort of way, without be now entrusted with the fullest value of all that is Neo in understanding, as the decided choice of Mark Hamilton’s own investment…the figure that he states already means that we are worth more than billions in his own mind.

If I may finish this section here and leave it this way as it is written and diplsced…where the first sections were needed for my own personal communications and the 3rd part of it identifies what are my most profound realizations, and as written it is now imbalanced by the manifest of its own writing, not to be careful to wait before immediately proceeding into the subject matter of my own deepest impression. I am going to displace it however with all the substance that I have written and spoken to, as it would be a tragic waste to simply waste as I have no practical way of saving it again, and greater more can’t tolerate any more when I am disallowed from presenting good writing which I feel to the the contrary it is.

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