Friday, March 7, 2025

level 4 intergrations

February 14, 2012 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

while listening to level 4.I saw my self bringing people into the society of love,and I like how I can use my personal approach.I really like not feeling like I have to educate people,I always had a way to reason from within.Not always the best reasoning but my reasoning.I am starting to become the person the person I was meant to be.Action speaks louder then words.How to get a club house started seems to be the next move.Im a very proud owner of the literature,and would like every won to have and use it.

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One Response to “level 4 intergrations”
  1. David says:

    The beauty of Neothink, is that by learning the tools that Mark has given us, we can bring our own personalities and life experiences to the table. We all fit into this Supper Puzzle in our own unique way. Stimulation is the key, not education. The more we read and re-read the Prime Literature, the more that makes sense. It is difficult to grasp at first because we all still have some of that bicameral in us. It’s funny how the guy who is most wrong, insists he his most rite. You cannot win with the premise of educating. Make them want to investigate on their own. I know that when my parents told me that I was doing something incorrect, I would not listen. Wish I knew then what I know now. They were usually rite. But by them telling me, I would do the complete opposite and miss the boat. Whoopsie

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