Monday, February 24, 2025

Level 4 Meeting : Neo-Think Members PLEASE READ

February 20, 2015 by Tommy Tran  
Filed under Integrations

This is my Integration/Power Thinking:

This could be My Friday Night Essence and it can be yours…. I have been searching through out my life to find the Answers through the missing puzzle pieces that could change Your Life and perhaps that is why New Apprentice has been selected to join this journey………………..

I have stop my training since last year after Level 1,2 and 3: and I wanted to share this Level 4 Meeting with You. YOU and Me are the First Generation of those personally Hand-Pick and Selected by The Neo Tech Family….. You are amongst My Brothers and Sisters and Newly Found FAMILY MEMBERS…..

The reason why I stop Everything because Level One Two and Three was so important Your FNE Your TSM and Your NMS: That is Master Basics…

That is the important note that I wanted to share with you. If you have heard KT Kevin Tredeau infomercial ‘ Your Wish Is Your Command ‘ inside The Global Information Network GIN….

If you haven’t well this is my recommendation: I have specifically handwritten The Secrets of Level One Two and Three about 10 times by The 7th time I have memories The Three Levels and just in case, if I cant afford my membership for some obvious reasons I still have the Tools, Book and Knowledge: to Win The Games of Business and The Games of Life…… because

Instantly after a long journey, straight-away we are given The Highly-Guarded Inner Circle Secrets of The NeoTech NeoThink System…..

Do Not forget that This is The Deepest Inner-Core Secrets of Neo-Tech and Neo-Think…. YOU and I are The Lucky Few whom has been hand-pick and personally selected by Mr. Mark Hamilton and by other anonymous Senior Level Mentors inside your club. So I just wanted to congraduate Everbody Whom has Been Selected

I personally want to emphasis and Highlight this Fact to NeoThink Apprentice who are going through this journey with me…..

Mr. Mark Hamilton has kept this opportunity for us and for the pass 20years have rejected offers by others whom would turn this into A Billion Dollar Industry within and about 18 months…..

Isn’t this GREAT! I am very shock and grateful at the same time. This integration is getting too long and I should STOP. I have actually handwritten this Integration down in my notes and manual it is 4 pages longer… Big Smile

Like the saying goes: Your success and achievement is maded during your silence, quiet time alone. May all the best wishes rise upon you and may you live a very rich and prosperous life fill with Health, Wealrh and Well-Being with many great laughter, enjoyable moments share

Say No More… HAPPY NEW YEAR under our Chinese Asian Calender and today is The First of January….. Everything will be Prosperous 123….

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One Response to “Level 4 Meeting : Neo-Think Members PLEASE READ”
  1. sharron says:

    I like what you wrote. It makes me good to know that I’m not the only one that hand writes everything down that’s how I learned the more you write it the more it sinks in. I read a lot over and over again to get a clearer understanding of what’s being said. Then to write it down brings it all together. and the more I write the even clearer I become. Thank you so much.

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