Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Level-Four Essence Meeting

November 16, 2013 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

We are now in Level-Four Essence Meeting. For the first time in the history of the Neothink® Society, this is the meeting in which we will be going public. It will come in four parts: 1/ The Intro: which is about going public and marketing. 2/ Part one: about the Introduction meeting and a network marketing opportunity which is a natural Friday Night Essence (FNE) for many of us here today. 3/ Part Two: the political movement which is also a Friday Night Essence (FNE) for many of us here today, and
Part Three: about forming the formal structure which is starting the C. of U. on Earth. Let’s move on to the Intro.

Let’s talk about going public. It means to bring the public in, bring the people in. But they must come into our Neothink® Society to get the advantages. Remember that our society previously called “the Neothink® Secret Society” has changed its name to “the Neothink® Society of Secrets” or simply “the Neothink® Society”.
Regarding the Neothink® movement of going public, we will find that our common denominator format is going to take the form Clubhouses and their meetings. The Clubhouse will become a place of belonging, a place of life advantages. However, we must first set up weekly meetings to bring potential new members in and let them attend for free the Introduction Meeting. In these Introduction Meetings, we will sign our visitors up as new members to attend the Clubhouse Meetings which are meetings for members only. Some of those new members will subsequently joint the political movement and the political meetings. These meetings will grow into common denominator format for going public.

Today, we are in the process of turning into a Super Neothink® Marketer. Recall in Level Three Meeting, we talked about Forces of Nature impulses, Forces of Neothink® residuals and common denominators formats. Remember that the common denominator format in Ford Motor Co. was the assembly line and we talked about other common denominators formats. In our case, it was finding the child of the past searching within us. And it was that common denominator that had been used to select us to join or “come into” the Neothink® Society.
To engage in marketing, we had better reread in Visions 3 and 4 the irresistible attraction to Forces of Nature. But those are spiral-of-death stimulations because they come from Nature and we leapt beyond Nature 2000 to 3000 years ago. We are no longer animals of Nature. On the other hand, Forces of Neothink® amount to Super- Society stimulations. We are now conscious man and should be living in a limitless Super-Society. We are going to ultimately format and market Super-Society stimulations which has never been done before Neothink® and which will out stimulate the spiral-of-death stimulations of the anti-civilization. Remember the child of the past, – the infant Zon -, is inside everyone. It’s the largest common denominator yet the toughest to tap. Now, Mark Hamilton is going to mentor us how to kick off the greatest marketing dynamic for delivering the greatest product to mankind…Neothink®.
Remember, in our Level Three Meeting, we called the maximum and fastest prosperity, power, popularity, prestige for the least amount of energy spent “Honor and Glory at all costs.”
We first see this phenomenon in Ulysses from Homer’s Iliad. “Honor and Glory at all costs” means taking, pillaging and plundering by force for instant gratification. That Force of Nature “Honor and Glory at all costs” drive the anti-civilization. It drove ancient Ulysses and it drives many of our leaders today, especially our political leaders. Almost everyone is trapped, one way or another, in the spiral-of-death forces of Nature, either seeking “Honor and Glory at all costs” or accepting and following those who are. Claiming to the top through deception, force and fraud, or by stepping on others’ shoulders often occur in the anti-civilization.
That Homeric anti-civilization lead by the plundering and pillaging Ulysses can be out stimulated by us, by those who understand the C.of U. and who can therefore skillfully offer Super-Society stimulations. Indeed, Neothink® offers each person the opportunity to become his own Ulysses but minus the dishonesty.
Now, everyone’s deepest dream is to lead a meaningful and important life. If we can deliver the greatest message anyone wants to hear, we will succeed. The message is “You can live a Ulysses life, a life filled with honor, glory, meaning and importance while always helping others.” That message is filled with Forces of Nature impulses and laced with Forces of Neothink® residuals. That message is going to be our key to going public.
We must also format those two huge common denominators, i.e. formatting people looking for Forces of Nature stimulations and formatting people looking for Forces of Neothink® stimulations. The format for these two kinds of people is our meetings, namely the Introduction meeting where our visitors can attend for free, the Clubhouse meetings for members once they join, and the Political Party meetings where people who are motivated and inclined to change the society we live in will be drawn to the political meetings.
So, the meetings are the powerful common denominator format for us to take Neothink® to the public.
Let’s now move on to Part One of Level-Four Essence Meeting.

Part One will bring us to the Introduction meeting which will become the Friday Night Essence (FNE) for many of us. Our Introduction meeting will: 1/ inspire the visitors to join the only path to a stimulated exhilarated life which they were meant to live and 2/inspire the visitors to sell the only product that everyone eventually needs.
For the Introduction meeting, we have two parts, the value and the opportunity. The value that we are demonstrating and offering our visitors is the Ulysses life minus the dishonesty, the life they were meant to live. Only here can they become the person they were meant to be.
Remember that our visitors are not yet members. So, when talking to them about the Ulysses life, our designated speakers should avoid the term “God-Man” which is a “Ulysses life minus dishonesty” and simply use the expression “the person you were meant to be.” We are selling a new life to them. We must not put our materials out there for them to get their hands on. Of course, we can talk to them about our Heirloom Packages which contain the secret knowledge of Neothink® reserved for our members and convince them to sign up as members. For their monthly membership fees, they will have access to the world’s most highly-guarded secrets, visions and powers. They can take their monthly course, their Monthly Essence Meetings with Mark Hamilton for the first twelve months. They will enjoy

the website with the national discussion boards, chat rooms, chat sessions, help from others, questions and answers. They can enjoy monthly local meetings at the Clubhouses, with people from whom they will receive intellectual stimulations, friendships, business opportunities and even romantic relationships. They’re welcome to any meeting around the country at any Clubhouse and they will have access to specialized meetings, medical meetings, business meetings and opportunities.

The second part of the Introduction meeting will consist of the opportunity. The Neothink® Marketing Opportunity is one of the greatest Neothink® Marketing opportunities because everyone wants and needs these highly guarded secrets in order to become the person he or she was meant to be. Everyone wants and needs what the Neothink® Society has to offer. We will show our visitors to the Introduction meeting the rare financial opportunity for those interested in making money.
After the Introduction meeting, we have to prepare our Clubhouse that will be discussed in Part III of Level-Four Essence meeting. Let’s now move into Part Two of Level-Four Essence Meeting.

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