Monday, February 24, 2025

May the Titanic winds blow………

February 17, 2016 by Tom B.  
Filed under Integrations

Hello, Mark!

Do we have what it takes? To be TITANIC?

Sinking the anti-civilization?

May the titanic winds yet blow?

With truly knee buckling hurricane level force?

Being surrounded all my life by people who were ALL, to varying levels of degree, completely invested in, or at least prostratingly surrendered to the anti-civilization, it has truly been wretching at a gut level for me. So little belief in ANYTHING good that might be (or now is!!).
The judgments, the harshness, the intolerance, the aggressions, the belief in “authority”, every entropic institution. And most telling of all…………..the wanting to die.

No one, not one, around me, even among libertarians, has shared idealisms like we share.

Which……….at a gut level………..

Certainly compels me to think that it will indeed take hurricane force winds of change across time to change, at a fundamental level, this anti civilization, into the Pro civilization both you and I and Society of Secrets members know it CAN be.

Do we have what it takes?

(I believe we do………or I probably would not bother to write this here………)

Peoples’ lives and beings being so full of entropy, every direction I look. The wasted promises. The wasted potentials. Because they could not part with their psychologies of entropy. They were full fledged citizens of the anti civilization.

Titanic force winds?

Yes, I think this will be needed.

Because we live in a civilization with parties fully invested in capitalizing on this entropy. Institutions of institutionalized entropy. Feeding off the masses………urging their defeat.

I think we are in agreement just what these institutions are……….

Like a pack of wolves feeding on fallen prey!!

(Perhaps “fallen” truly is the most appropriate term here)

Titanic winds
Titanic winds…….yes!!


I believe we dare do nothing less……….

Do we have what it takes?

You are right I believe…………education alone is far from sufficient. It SHOULD be very compelling, this is, sound and valid moral reasoning. But the inherent contradictions implicit in the “A’s” and the parallel “Non-A’s” in any one’s given world view, left them completely unmoved when explicitly pointed out to them. It is like they could not even SEE it. A and NonA side by side in their own philosophy. For a long time, I thought they were just being stubborn and defiant. But now, I am more inclined to believe…………they literally CAN NOT see the contradiction.

Yes, Mark, stimulation.

Powerful, forceful, articulate, coherent, emotional, visceral, SUPER STIMULATION!!

I have chosen a path.

And it is to convey this kind of SUPER STIMULATION!!

For everything noble and EXtropic, every thing ideal and good, and awesome.

Everything honorable and praise worthy and GOOD for people.

To be free, yes free, WITH NO EXCEPTIONS ALLOWED to the Prime Law.

I do not yet know my role in the Society of Secrets.

But I am on a path………..

To outstimulate that filthy spiral of death anti civilization. That “civilization” that HONORS death and decay. Compromise. Conformity. Self sacrifice. And death. Entroy oriented “authority”.

The Civilization of the Universe!! (I have my own name for it but………)
The Civilization of the Universe!!

When we pause to contemplate the kinds of truly wondrous and awe inspiring possibilities such a Civilization of the Universe makes possible, we should have a ready treasure house of ideas,

It is a role I take……………..what ever my succes may be…………..

I am going to throw in “MY OWN PIECE OF THE HURRICANE WINDS”

And let us create a future of LIFE. Earth’s new spring!! After the long slumber of winter.

May the titanic winds blow!!

May the titanic winds begin to blow now!!

The future is yet young……….

Yours in honor, and in everthing worthy of being called “good”,

Tom B.

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