Tuesday, February 25, 2025

mylevel4integration the most disturbing yet

October 10, 2013 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

i am my parent’s folly and i am extinct.
it is not my fault.
i am extinct yet life is a gift.
the C of U out-competes the anti-civilization.
i may yet enter the c of U or will i ?
am i being gobbled-up by the C of U ?
if i enter the C of U will there be any of me left ?

the above was part of a dream i had just now.
I’ve completed level4meet. it was lengthy it was impressing. it reminded me of AMWAY distributor system. it reminded me of a cult. it reminded me of the forever family (see wikepedia if interested). some things just aren’t worth integrating though . i believe my mind is doing that for me. my description of a vivid dream i had now is an example of this.
something potentially awesome and wonderful is on the horizon the C of U it seems.
will i be part of it ? i don’t know. the planet is over populated because of anti civilization behaviors. i was pro-created by parents that should have known better but didn’t because they were acting out a bi-cameral program in the anti-civilization of the universe. life is a gift yet their folly has severely limited my abilities to transition into the C of U.
on ward to level5meet.

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