Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Part 3 of of level 4 integrated commentary

April 20, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

There are 2 profound realizations that I have to get down into comment here, after taking down into notes what has to be done according to the format Mr. Hamilton laid out for us for demonstrating and illustrating to others both the value of Neothink Understanding in the Society of Secrets and the real financial opportunities that exist here for others where Neothink is going public, adjusted to its new and better name. Both realizations are some of the incredible “wow” that accompany my own all through out with each passing into each new level of these meanings, to remind myself, the thrill of realization and revelations don’t stop from the point and place where I was first introduced, and then given the manuscripts where part of what I am doing can feel like rushing to keep up with all of them, to gather in all that I realize, and bring them soonest down from that mind who thinks he really knows, into the Body where emotion and the heart within knows and stores them better, for putting them into action by decided and recognizable physical motion. No, like the added guidance of the books from higher consciousness directly in “Rainbow” say to us, life will never be boring for us, having access directly to the greatest opportunities and will be exposed to the greatest challenges in our near futures. These realizations of mine are with first, what Mark Hamilton and the Society are doing with turning down billions of dollars offered by marketeers wanting to possess the greatest marketing tool which the Society alone possesses, and giving instead the full measure of that investment to we apprentices as priority. This amounts to saying, “No, I don’t want your money, or even all the money in the world. I believe instead in a greater value at work.(in short) I believe in my own kids.” He believes in us, the very children created by the aid of that incredible marketing tool, and helps bring forward into fullest view what it is we can expect with the opportunities right in front of us. The realizations of what that really means according to what it is really all about is what I want to get down into comment along with the deepest impression I gained from the meeting with regard to the real life scene, situation and scenario we find ourselves in the drama unfolding.

There is incredible value at work, both as already manifest and more yet forming into substantive activity and motion for becoming most manifest later
on. My own realization concerning this incredible value, is the value of Neothink Understanding and how it is transferred to we apprentices and students to bring all of that value eventually to all of the world, beginning with its release to the general public. What is it about the value of Neothink Understanding and incredibly more profound, what is it about us, the children and receivers of it in our becoming the Choice as Priority for also bringing all of the value of Neothink Understanding to the rest of the world? The answers to both those questions reveal to me all the profoundest realizations about what’s going on here. To answer this simple question, you see, requires a whole lot more than what by general impression we all of us as Neothink’s immediately understand, how the value of Neothink understanding outmatches any other going on or opposed against it and surly the reason why for turning down such offers makes sense to us immediately because of Neothink’s own greatest value that is greater than any amount of the world’s own money. To answer in my own mind what that is with what this is all about is both to realize and see the incredible value at work in us and what it greater means when we transform as into Supra in our own lives and the worlds we create, and influence all of what is happening in our world today, to also arrest and save the very direction and course of history. The incredible value in our own lives becomes apparent when we manifest with wealth and understanding to demonstrate and illustrate this also to others by its own massive appeal. The very transformational power of Neothink understanding that we bring into the world which Mark  Hamilton and the Society are counting on, is the greater value he believes in and he is right now banking all of his own money on all of us, the very receivers of all that transforming power and influence.

We are all, of us new creations, not just reborn, but Supra naturally qualified along an evolutionary path of life leading us to the most pivotal place of human history where Now is the greatest time to be Alive. The greatest realizing this and what that really means kind of blows my mind and says by itself what this is really all about with what Mark Hamilton and the Society are really doing in making us priority, decidedly against greedy and self seeking marketeers. We all of us can foresee the effect of what he and they are doing according to the format laid out and the greater, cautionary restriction imposed with regard to the volatile place of political activity and movement. We also, all of us, can already realize and understands the general reasons for why He is doing this. What I greater see within is this:
Something to do with the innermost value of Neothink Understanding, and the profoundest meaning at work and in living motion already when we as supra qualified also supra naturally transform this world and move it out of the peril of its own self imposed Apocalypse and bring it safely into alignment with its natural course along the evolutionary path to make its own safe transition from this age to the next. We are the carriers who bear and bring the world to that place and like God’s own children, will also be the ingredients to play the transformational roles our Mother Earth will use to give birth to her own greatest Life giving and transforming power, where We as the favored sons and daughters who have been sought out and discovered will become this very Supra Natural Manifest and become known as the Children of Light, most fully endowed by the very attributes she labors to birth into this world of Mankind. What is it then, what I greater realize as incredible in all of this? I see what is the only most incredible thing about it. Besides giving us priority as his own favored choice, and the greater value at work, which all by itself will dispel the value of money as a possession for coveting and greedily manipulating into an imposing and intolerable force of power. We as the very receivers and transformers at work who will reveal all of the meaning of a greater life transforming massively into something Supra naturally qualified. This is where all of the value of Neothink Understanding greatest comes into play, and all of the greatest value of the Society’s own investment, by Mark Hamilton’s own most prominent lead will have its due reward. Money and wealth will not become obsolete, but all of the seduction into hoarding money for its own sake surly will become dispelled into something obsolete by the effect of our own transformational deeds. The most of all about what is happening, is not just Freedom mandated into a simplified political understanding and format, designated by the twelve vision’s party’s own preamble into a better constitution, it is how Mark Hamilton and the Society is using its own marketing tool with the creative effect it already has made and all the reasons why He and they are decidedly using it this way, as the most ethical choice in face of the most seductive and alluring temptation the world can ever bring into its own picture of what’s going on. He is deliberately choosing to do this, not just to illustrate and demonstrate the very value of Neothink understanding which is the sole base of wealth creation, but as his only ethical choice, he is activating the only method that will actually save the real value of Neothink understanding, and We are the very ones, as children who will bring it all to life, by responding and acting to put all this understanding into motion which will manifest into Supra natural benefits. Neothink Understanding will manifest as its own answer to explain all of the reasons why in the very choices it needs to make right now, to achieve the goal of revealing and transforming into something Manifest that shows itself to be our Creator’s intentions for this world and mankind all along. Isn’t that really most astounding? More than even incredible it surpasses Amazing Grace by manifesting as a world that has found its own way to Supra Natural Glory, where the whole meaning behind everything is and was, like from God’s own lips, no, don’t pass the buck about future concerns and possibilities on to me, when it is on you, my own sons and daughters all along. You must transform into doing the deed that will answer life’s most compelling question, with the very attributes that I have personally vested into you all along. You are my revelations of the answer and and you my own transformers who will manifest the answer to life’s own question, by your own life creating and your own wealth having, to demonstrate to all the world, that the Life I give is fullest, rich and free. You as my own sons and daughters are my heart’s delight, my very own Pride and Glory.

I am going to submit this comment now as part 3 of my own realizations of meeting 4, to speak a little more to most of all clarify what is the deepest impression I also gained from it concerning what’s really happening which is revealed by the very nature of its own circumstance in relation to our opponents in the very place of manifesting our own wealth and creativity to also sustain and move our understanding into a political action and manifestation. I think I said most all of what that is in my part 2, but will clarify also into most illustrative demonstration.

Before leaving and fully displacing it, I have to leave this added footnote.

The reference to Rainbow is a handbook that was presented and shown to me through the workings of my own clubhouse meetings in Denver, Colorado. It is the first of 2 books that fully illustrates all of the elements in play in our own relationship to Life from a greater Consciousness point of view. There it clearly lays out what are the the greatest natural powers at work in Consciousness itself and identifies the 4 laws at work within them…besides the the power of attraction as the the very greatest force at work in the universe originally, there are 3 more laws and influential powers that are also in play and cannot be ignored. The 2nd is the use of initiatory will, the very activating into physical motion all of our creativity, the 3 and 4th are these. They are the laws of harmony and balance. All of the laws work together for us, and only come fully to life for us when they are enabled by Love, where as in my own realization at work, must penetrate deepest into our beings, also as the Body, in recognizable form. I can’t be assured to assume that every one in the world of Neothink has access to these books or is even aware of them as maybe it is something as definitive that was decidedly discovered by the workings within my own Denver Clubhouse activity through all of its own members there.

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