Monday, February 24, 2025

Stimulating people

July 1, 2015 by Erik Long  
Filed under Integrations

This month I am going to power think what stimulate`s people the most. I have been studing mass marketing and truly believe that the
force`s of nature and of universe truly are stimulating. Sex sell`s I have found if you post a picture of a sexy woman you will get a lot of attention from men and sometime`s women because of her desire to be pretty. And if you post a picture of a hot sexy fireman you will get bite`s from an enormous amount of curious women. Stimulating the human mind with stimulating SUGGESTION`S always`s work`s in most case`s. Well enough for now it`s getting late and I need to get some shut eye for I have a very early appointmen in the morning. Thanx Mark!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Stimulating people”
  1. Nana Appiah says:

    Good evening Mark, for about 5 months now that I have been receiving predictions on my spam email box saying “Something important is going to happen in your life. [Do not put your email address on the public internet], CSomething Important is about to happen in your life”. And I want to know if these emails has to do with the materials that I am been reading? And if any way to make that “something” happen faster for me?

    Thank you for your help, the materials, and everything.


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