Thursday, February 27, 2025


December 24, 2011 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

I like the combining of the political party into the cluhouse ateams agenda. Seems very logical. When i was young I would stand at the edge of the diving board not able to take the leap. my happy life was too important to risk . again today I stand poised to take a leap only to face the familiar feeling of being afraid to leap. the leap too unfamiliar, yet just like when i was younger and learning about the diving board. I move slowly to the edge and look over.time after time fear wins out and I climb down the ladder from the board not willing to risk my happy life for the thrill of finally jumping off. I know that someday i will but not today. Day after day I return to the edge of that board. Im accustomed to going up the ladder , out to the edge, and then back down the ladder in fear. At times i think it would be easier if someone who loved me would just help me. My terrific mother senses this in me and offers to go up and jump with me.Im only about 4 yrs old then. I go up the ladder with my mom,my best friend and truest love and go to the edge of the board. She is there for me if I want to jump and she is there if i want to climb back down the ladder. We jump. together we fall through the sky obeying omly gravity and forgoing any other law in order to make our splash. time as i had known it would grind to a stop.everything would be different because I,I the 4 year old had just risked everything for that splash. How long would the exhilaration last I thought in mid air? how long will I be excited about making that initial splash and then it was over. so fast that i had almost missed big moment had arrived and the only law that compelled me was gravity. Did the right people see me do it? is the victory mine? will life now respect my leap into the fearful unknown?? Awash in these emotions and coming up out of the Deep End of the pool I felt like it had to be enough because it took all I had and then some to get me to do it. And there was my victory within me. The answers to my life and essence…If you give something all youve got, only then have you done enough. and..without the help of someone who loves you , you might never make it at all. Lets get my clubhouse started ,walk me through the down lines and get me out to the edge of the board. Come with me Im scared, join me in my leap lets make that splash. let only the prime law govern us for it has the power not the law of gravity. let the prime law be the force that makes the splash possible and our conscious leap be the actions that lead the way

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “synergy”
  1. After going through all of the levels I find that my mind is expanding more and more each month. I must admit having to stay focused and not settle back into the bicameral mentality. I am both excited and a little fearful of the building of power I feel within. All my life I always thought that there had to be more of life than just working hard, growing old and then to die. I am looking forward to a long life and a new civilization always envisioned in my mind. My question is: Is neothink being introduced first to everyone (millions) in America and then later to those living outside of the United States? What a world it would be when everyone can become a neotech man, woman and child. I enjoy all the integrations and looking forward to Level 5.

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