Saturday, January 11, 2025

The ball is in my court

July 26, 2010 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

I am concerned about talking to people about Neothink. At first I thought that I wouldn’t be able to keep the Society a secret, but I must admit that I have never uttered the words “secret society” in the year or so since getting started.I have,however, spoken in depth about many of the concepts, and those who know me are not surprised in the slightest.Many information based marketing ventures can surrender much of the information before ever asking for money since there is plenty of value to be delivered eventually.I feel that I have value to give in trying to “bridge the gap” between true “C of U” expression and the unfortunate victims of the anti-civilization, in order to prepare the uninitiated to really hear the messages rather than “bounce off the wall” of true rationality. I am preparing some interesting observations about rational and irrational thoughts (both are necesary for existence) that we all have. These ideas will be copyrighted as intellectual property of course,but will be shared on blogs and the Neothink site.Despite my trepidation I would very much like to start a clubhouse in my area(s).

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “The ball is in my court”
  1. Charlie Moore says:


    My name is Charlie, and I will be your mentor. I hope you receive this message and respond. If you are interested in starting a clubhouse, I can guide you to the right people to help you get started. Please contact me at

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