Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Commons

April 19, 2012 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

Excise taxes to manage the commons for waste disposal are needed because external costs are assault and/or robbery of innocent victims. Taxes to capture (or internalize ) those external costs and use of the money to pay for extra costs (e.g. for extra health care and/or time lost from work) due to the emissions of wastes is needed to be fair to those who lose by the external costs.

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One Response to “The Commons”
  1. David says:

    The fact that we are forced to pay those taxes is unfortunate. Rationalizations as to why those taxes are necessary, are false arguments made from truths taken out of contexts in order for the ruling class to maintain their bogus power. When we go to the fundamental of taxes, we see that even taxes that were suppose to be instilled to pay for, say a war, are still being collected and used for all sorts of entitlement programs and bloated government. When they need more “revenue”, they find a way to steal it, all without one governmental cut. If all those departments that have nothing to do with protection were privatized, the costs to do them would drop. Government workers spend 1/3 of their time trying to figure out more ways to steal more tax money. How’s that for wasted tax dollars.

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