Tuesday, February 25, 2025


October 31, 2013 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

I love the T.V.P.since I first read it.I would love to help get it out to the public.I hope I can get in a clubhouse!

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

2 Responses to “TheT.V.P.”
  1. I am a little slow getting to this. Neothink has convinced me to do what I have wanted to do since I was a kid. I went into business when young when I discovered someone would pay me to cut their lawn(1946). I developed a route of lawns to mow each week. Was considering hiring someone else to help out. That was interupted because my father got a job in another state. Later after the Korean War and I left the US Navy as an electronics technician, I discovered computers and wanted to play with them. I was provided the means to do so and wrote the routine used to send data nearly flawlessly over the internet in1968, But my first wife refused to allow me to go into business. Divorced me even when I opened a flea market business, though that was not the reason. I quit looking into politics when I found that I would have to lie to get elected or at least be untruthful. Now after going down when Russia was no longer a threat, and then traveling the USA while completely on SS I am trying to go into business for myself. I had a lot to learn about the internet business and what it will require but I started, and now using the Neothink literature to guide me into managing it. Now that I am starting and hope to earn enough to be of some financial help to Neothink and the politics required to eliminate the politics as a career, (never considered by me) I came to find that Level4 has already been followed by level five. No answer was given me from a call for a clubhouse in Boise area. Am I alone? hope not because I have a lot more to learn about marketing and politics. Can I find anyone to team up with? I don’t know. I am anxious to start but don’t really have any non-mystic friends. Wanda and I purchased home after recovering out credit enough because of the air quality here. I am not a cripple, 80 years old and believe in what we are after. Getting back to finding a way to earn a better life for my wife and me. I want to help somehow.

  2. Henry,
    I have read your intergration on level 4. I also have a problem with clubhouse connection. There is no one in the small town of Benson,Arizona that I could hook up to have a clubhouse. I have to travel 1 and half hrs. both ways to Tucson,Az. to go to my clubhouse meetings. My meetings are on the last Sunday of the month which is ok, except I have one teleseminar that Sunday at 12:00 p.m. They normally last 1 and half hrs, to 2 hrs. The clubhouse meeting is at 3:00p.m. Yes, I could listen to tape recording but I don’t really like to do that as if I have a question or comment I can’t do that on a tape recording. I also want to help Neothink as Neothink has done so much in my life. My life has changed competely in the way I do things, the way I think, what I say and how I say it. I think before I act or talk. I am competely 100% postive Neothink is my life. I am intergrating numbers in my daily life more each day. My children are following my lead into Neothink life as they are intergrating numbers and applying Neothink ways into their lives. I have 3 kids, 1 is 42 years old, living in Illinois, 1 is 40 living in Benson, 1 girl 34 living in Benson also. My relationship with my husband is improving more each day as I am not afraid to say I love you to my husband and kids. I was taught when I was young, kids are seen and not heard. It’s been a struggle to change my way of thinking because of dysfunctional up-bringing and tradegies in my childhood. I forsee a better life in the c of u for myself and my family. I wish I would have known about Hamilton-America sooner. I am going to join tvp as soon as I can as I heard a very, very good teleseminair this morning with Tom C. who is running for Vice President. I also want to volunteer for member services as soon as I get to 6th level as that is when you can join. I wish I could help you and your wife, Henry as we need to stay connected to Neothink as much as possible. If you would like to cummunicate with me feel free to do so.

    Take care of yourselfs,
    Rosa L.

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