Tuesday, February 25, 2025


March 27, 2014 by tdomf_7b0c3  
Filed under Integrations

This is in regard to those people who wanted the TVP off Wikipedia, well here is yet another reason. our local paper recently stated that 42% of U.S. voters are now independent. Even living in a sparsely populated state of Good Old Progressives, there is still about 19%, or 100,000 voters who are now independents, and not affiliated with a political party. It also said that in this state, independents are disenfranchised. Independent candidates are required to collect more signatures than their party affiliated opponents, and independent voters are not allowed to participate in primary elections without political approval, but in spite of the adversity, voters continue to register as independents, and candidates continue to pursue public office without any political affiliation, thus changing the status quo to put an end to partisan gridlock. I visited with Sec. of State, and asked them for info on forming a minor political party, and it was like panic ensued, and I was told that they don’t have any such thing, but they could provide me petitions for signatures, so I am going to Mr. Cary’s website for further instructions.

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