Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Thank You Mark!

August 7, 2010 by Martin A Randolph  
Filed under Integrations

The fact that we are going public both thrills and scares me. I am thrilled that I can talk to people outside of Neothink about it, but scared of the powers that be coming after us. And even though I am making progress with my FNE (photography) I am far from solvent. I have connected with the Palm Coast clubhouse of Ron Gaines and have attended the Charlotte N.C. seminar of Dr. Coldwell which was a revelation. That was GIN which is part of our Neothink. I found that the friendships and connections made there are wonderful. I have figured out that I need to get out of my house more and meet people especially Neothink people. My health continues to be a problem and I am doing everything I can to improve that. I am also concerned about your safety Mark the PTBs do not like being challenged and could get violent. Please! be careful. Martin

Respond to Meeting Level 1 Integrations?

One Response to “Thank You Mark!”
  1. Charlie Moore says:


    My name is Charlie Moore and I have been assigned to be your mentor. Have you been going to the clubhouses. If you have any questions about the society or the meeting contact me at fnecharlie@gmail.com

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